American Lifelines Alliance


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Solicitations Under Consideration

Assessing Utility and Transportation Interdependencies

This project will investigate and document case-history data on the role of interdependencies among utility and transportation lifelines in post-hurricane response in Florida after Hurricanes Charlie, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne in August-September 2004.

The proposals were due December 20, 2004 and are currently being considered. A decision will be announced shortly.

For further information, please contact
Claret M. Heider at

Upcoming Solicitations

ALA is currently in the process of identifying projects that can be funded in FY 2006 (October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006) and is seeking suggestions for potential projects that would lead to improvements in current hazard management practices (for both natural and man-made hazards) of utility and transportation systems. Potential ALA projects should be related to one of the following topics:


improvement of existing guidelines and standards for lifeline systems and components,

new guidelines based on past successful industry practices,

focused studies that provide information necessary to assess lifeline systems to various hazards,

integrated approaches for assessing lifeline system performance to multiple hazards, and

assist decision makers in the public and private sectors in assessing the performance of lifeline systems and identifying appropriate means to improve performance.


Responders to this request should provide a brief (not more than two pages) description of the project that identifies the need for the project, the key aspects of the project that address this need, and the approximate level of effort envisioned to carry out the project (in terms of duration, total man-hours, or approximate cost). Responders are reminded that ALA contracting requirements generally require competitive bids for new projects funded entirely through ALA.

Project ideas should be provided in electronic format (Word or Acrobat) and can be sent to Claret Heider at Thank you for your interest in ALA and consideration in helping us identify new projects for FY 2006.

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